To create parallel structure in the sentence, the phrase that would best replace the words "only to offer dinner" is restaurants that offer only dinner.
A parallel structure means that the same form of words or phrases is used in both sentences or parts of the sentence. So here, the first part of the sentence says "restaurants that offer live music..." and in order for it to be a parallel structure, the other part also has to say "restaurants that offer only dinner."
Answer and explanation:
Note: I'm writing according to my responses while I read the story. Feel free to change anything to make it true for yourself.
Unlike readers at the time when the story was published, I've found it amusing and intelligent. At first, I assumed Mrs. Mallard would be another simple, shallow, tragic character. Her reaction after hearing of her husband's presumed death seemed quite normal, since she looked devastated. For an instant I thought she would die from her heart condition even though her sister and friend were careful while giving her the news. However, to my delight and surprise, Mrs. Mallard finds enlightenment at that sad moment. Her house and her husband have meant confinement for her. She has been obedient, submissive, impotent her whole life. As she locked her bedroom door, I thought she wouldn't know what to do without Mr. Mallard. But she looked out the window, saw the beautiful world that did not stop existing due to her husband's death, and realized she was finally free. The story suddenly got a thousand times more interesting. This woman, this seemingly shallow character, is actually deep and colorful. She has a will to live that had been buried. Now that the main symbol of her oppression as a woman is gone, she is at liberty to feel, think, and do as she pleases. It was comically tragic when she indeed died of her heart condition upon finding out her husband was alive. I hoped the story would end with Mrs. Mallard leaving the house and heading towards her new life. Still, the irony of the situation is amusing. Other characters assumed she died of happiness when we, the readers, know she died of disappointment.
The correct answer is B. False
One of the most important aspects of a strong thesis statement or claim is arguability, this implies a thesis statement is appropriate if it is questionable, which allows the author to expose evidence that proves it. The thesis statement "In the story "The Willow and the Willowtree," the author includes only one human character, Newton" is not appropriate because it only states a fact rather than a position that can be supported due to this it is not possible to develop an argument using this. Also, this focuses on characters rather than on the development of the plot which should be the focus.
The new movie in the theater captivated the audience.
This machine can simulate or imitate the human voice.
Use precise and exact measurements in your lab.
Her treatment was complicated because of her allergy to the medicine and so she arrived home a week later.
Hope this helps :)