Number 18 would be "D".
Number 19 would be "A".
Number 20 would be "C".
Number 21 would be "C".
Number 22 would be "D".
Number 23 might be "C" I'm not sure, lol.
Texas voting rights are restored after the sentence has been fully discharge.
The space suit
Though the first man stepped on the moon in 1969, in the 1930s astronomers and physicists were already planning for the voyage to outer space. Emilio Herrera Linares, a Spanish military colonel, is credited with being the first to design a pressurised suit which was used in a high-altitude balloon flight in 1936.
The modern mop
While the mop isn’t the most glamorous of inventions, it certainly is one of the most useful. People had been using rags to wash floors since the 15th century but it was in the 1960s that the engineer Manuel Jalón Corominas had the idea to create a purpose-built mop with a bucket to ring the water out in.
that's just a few ^_^!!!
Economic: The south lost much of its agricultural land due to it being destroyed in battles, and the loss of slavery meant serious economic downfall because their industry relied heavily on slave labour. However, the North was more industrialised, so it benefitted from the added railroad and the manufacture of wartime products.
Social: 2% of the population was killed; many lost loved ones and family members. Also, racial prejudice resulted in the formation of the KKK by many whites who were angry that African-Americans had been freed-- as well as the Jim Crow laws being enforced
Political: 13th, 14th and 15th amendments passed in the constitution