C because previous sends you back to something before such as a web page, Next does the opposite and I can't remember what Show MarkUp does.
I = V/R. So the answer is 9/200 = 0.045A = 45mA which is B
A GUI (graphical user interface) is a system of interactive visual components for computer software. A GUI displays objects that convey information, and represent actions that can be taken by the user. The objects change color, size, or visibility when the user interacts with them.
The code has been written in Java.
The source code of the file has been attached to this response. The source code contains comments explaining important lines of the program.
A sample output got from a run of the application has also been attached.
To interact with the program, kindly copy the code into your Java IDE and save as Cafe.java and then run the program.
<span class="sg-text sg-text--link sg-text--bold sg-text--link-disabled sg-text--blue-dark">
Following is the expression written in "Bash script" (mixture of commands):
- ^ = For staring string (denotation).
- \d{5} = Matching 5 digits (first five unknown x's)
- (?:…) = Making Group (making group of former 5 digits)
- [-\s] = Match a hyphen or a space
(checking if a hyphen is present?)
- \d{4} = Matching 4 digits (next four unknown x's)
- …? = Pattern before it is optional
- $ = Ending of the string.(denotation)