Japan surrender. September 2,1945
Symbols OR diagrams that could potentially be drawn to represent the Articles of Confederation include: a symbol of 13 stars and/or stripes to represent the thirteen original colonies, a diagram outlining the major point of each of the thirteen articles within the Articles, a symbol of each state representative holding hands representing the Confederation's friendship, symbols of war to represent article nine (such as bayonets, a soldiers uniform, or cannons, etc.).
Whenever the Nile River flooded, it left behind nutrient-rich soil. Because of this, Egyptian farmers would often plan their farming cycle accordingly, harvesting their crops BEFORE flooding season and planting AFTER the flooding season
Underground Railroad was a secret network of abolitionists during the early to mid-19th century who helped African Americans escape from enslavement in the American South to free Northern states.The Underground Railroad was not only dangerous, but also illegal and their activities resulted in freedom for many men, women, and children which also helped undermine the institution of slavery.
The central idea of the text is FREEDOM.