The Declaration of independence was a great successful document written by Thomas Jefferson a great idealist and a man from the age of enlightment, he was a great writer and was the one chosen to write the declaration of independence, he wrote it with a lot of thought about how people’s emotions would be, how they would react, and how it would work all to their advantage, and with very rhetoric language he wrote this document, stating truths and lies about what was happening in the colonies at that time.
The Declaration was the spark to set off the revolution that was the most successful revolution in human history, making it very great and important. It written to the king of Great Britain, to the people of the United States of America.
It it clear and reasonable that the declaration was made for many causes that weren’t being attended because of the British thinking that even the lowest class in the military was above the civil law of the colonies, and that no one should immigrate to such a place, taking away so many laws from the people making them pay high taxes well mainly the rich for the lands they owned which was good in a way but for all those who wrote the declaration that mainly had a lot of land it was horrible, but for the poor folk it was good in a way but not even for the poorest of peasants to be able to trade with other merchants from other countries ruined the economy in the colonies. Great Britain was the only country and place they could and would trade to it was illegal for the colonists to be able to make money by trading their raw material with any other country.
Answer:Describe how and why China and Japan reacted to European explorers/traders. ... The Chinese had just driven out the Mongols and didn't want Europeans to threaten the peace and prosperity that the Ming, the new dynasty, had brought them. As a result, the Chinese trade policies reflected isolation.
The slavery has been a human practice for several millenniums, and it was practiced all over the world.
The slavery is something that the humans from all over the world were practicing unfortunately. This practice continued for millenniums, and it only stopped relatively recently. the period between the 13th and 17th century is a very important one when it comes to slavery, as it spread out much more and started to be practiced not just locally, but regionally and even between different continents.
East Africa and West Africa were using lot of slaves, and they were mostly enslaving people that were conquered and from weaker tribes on the outskirts. They were forcing them to work in mining, or to lift and carry trade goods. Later, they started to sell slaves to the Europeans as they saw a great economic opportunity.
In Europe itself, the slavery was mostly found in the Balkan Peninsula, were the Ottomans were forcing the people to work for them, and took large percentage of their crops and money. The European nations that became imperial powers were buying slaves from Africa, and they moved them into the Americas, thus made it international slavery, establishing the Atlantic slave trade.
Southwest Asia in this period also had lot of slaves, most of which were people that didn't wanted to accept the Islam, so people of different religious backgrounds, of numerous ethnic and racial groups, that were caught, were enslaved and treated as animals.
Learn more about the Atlantic slave trade
He was appointed as a Federal judge.
Answer: Reconstruction
<em>In the "corrupt bargain" of 1877, Democrats allowed Republican Rutherford B. Hayes to become President and in exchange he ended </em><em><u>Reconstruction/Federal occupation</u></em><em> in the south what allowing Jim Crow to reign supreme there</em>
The presidential election of 1876 was a controversial one in that there were 4 states which had unresolved votes. Democratic candidate, Samuel J. Tilden had won the popular vote and was poised to win the electoral college as well but a deal was struck between Rutherford and the Democrats that he would withdraw Federal troops from the south which was the last thing enforcing Reconstruction in the South.
In return the Democrats voted to accept a decision that would give Rutherford the contented electoral votes and upon being made president, he withdraw the Federal troops which allowed the Southern States to enforce Jim Crow laws.