The word katachi, meaning form and design, is the closest equivalent in the Japanese language to the Western notion of visual art
The word "katachi" cannot be directly and comparatively translated to English. Even within Japan its meaning is multiple - it can be form, shape, symmetry - the marriage of beauty and functionality, the quintessence of Japanese design. It may mean the many ways in which someone can produce the same object.
In some cases, you should use all of these but if you're just doing definitions you should just use one word per card. If you are recording a website you should record just the source information and if you are writing a fun book you should use only one fact or thought per note card.
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I can i have been dancing my entire life so yea i can help
Well both etching and drawing show a whole picture, use ink, and both are considered sketches.
These are just some simple similarities. Hope this helps.