McCarthyism today means denying due process and civil liberties. Today, McCarthyism is synonymous with any perceived government activity that suppresses unfavorable political or social views by limiting or undermining vital civil rights and liberties under the pretext of maintaining national security.
A mass political movement led by charismatic leaders to win elections and bring social justice.
Hope this helps
The politics of the period inevitably drove France towards war with Austria and its allies. The King, many of the Feuillants, and the Girondins specifically wanted to wage war.
- The King was hoping war would increase his personal popularity and make him stronger.
- The Girondins wanted to export the Revolution throughout Europe and, by extension, to defend the Revolution within France.
- Other Monarchs from Prussia, Austria were threatening of invading France on the behalf of the French Monarchy. Moreover, the king was unhappy to sharing power and not wanting to accept the limitation on his power as result he agitating with the foreign monarchs
- People like Barnave and Robespierre in France opposed the war, and in Austria the emperor Leopold II, brother of Marie Antoinette, may have wished to avoid war, but unfortunately he died on 1 March 1792.
Thus France under this circumstance it preemptively declared war on Austria (20 April 1792). Prussia joined the Austrian side a few weeks later. And the wars that will catapult Napoleon into notoriety was on.
The answer is true, but don’t you love the way they say “only” while still talking about billions that’s “only” more money than I’ll see