Red, blue, and green color pixels are used in a camera
The people involved in the data processing operation are known as <span>Peopleware.</span>
At an arraignment, the court officially illuminates a litigant regarding charges contained in a prosecution or data, gives the respondent a duplicate of the charging instrument, and takes the litigant's response to those charges as a request.
<span>Landforms that could be created at convergent boundaries would consist of: volcanoes, mountains, trenches, volcanic islands, and even deserts could result from effects of converging boundaries. The landforms are mountains.</span>
An error will be occurred here. In C++ a function must be like
returntype function_name(){
but the functions in given class does not have returntype given. So there will be a syntax error.
If the returntype is defined then the code does not show any output since nothing is printed in the main function.