they pushed the ntives out of there than also they tricked them in to takeing bad deals
During the Industrial Revolution, many inventions were invented that enabled greater, faster and more extensive production. At the same time, capitalism is developing. Capitalism implies the realization of profits made by faster and more efficient production. Faster and more efficient production is achieved, among other things, and through the use of all inventions of the industrial revolution. In addition, higher profits are generated by cheap labor, cheap raw materials. Inexpensive workforce and raw materials involve cutting costs of investment in production as much as possible. To achieve this, it is moving with dominance over other regions and underdeveloped countries, where there are small incomes, where there are abundant natural resources that can be exploited. Powerful and developed countries with developed industries always have an interest and are motivated to dominate the underdeveloped. That's what we are witnessing today as well.
Indian protest against British oppression, Passive resistance campaign of Mohandas Gandhi where many Indians protested the British tax on salt by marching to the sea to make their own salt.
Dear Auntie,
How are you? How is your family style going? The year is 1932, and I've been listening to the election between Roosevelt and Hoover. My side of the story isn't so bright as you would've or expected it to be. Over the past few days I was doing fine until I was plummeted into poverty by the stock market crash. I might loos my job Auntie. I'm gonna cry. I don't like this. And now I have to live in a one bedroom apartment with seven of our family members. It's so crammed in that apartment. Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt were two men with completely opposite ideas on how to get the country out of the Great Depression. Not only were their policies different from one another, and the way they were raised, they were also from different political parties.
I don't know who's gonna win this election. It'd the Great Depression here, there, maybe even where you live. I don't like it here. It get more sad and people just want to have a good life after and during this election because they want a really good president. Maybe I can vote this time? The seven families are doing fine by the way cause I just knew you wanted to know. I might have to move back to Europe. Everyone here is so..... mean, depressed, worried about how there life is going to end up as. I don't blame them. I love you Auntie and I want to see you again but, I don't know if that's gonna happen in the great depression and me being an immigrant..
Sincerely your niece,
P.S. everyone loves and really misses you. We will figure this out together as a family. I really love you.