Each piece will be the same length. We can convert 5 1/2 into an improper fraction. 5 1/2 = 11 / 2 Divide 66 by this improper fraction. 66 / (11 / 2) When we divide by a fraction, we multiply by the reciprocal of that fraction. 66 * (2 / 11) = 2 * 6 = 12 12 pieces can be cut.
Since 21 hundredths is 21over one hundred,21 hundredths as a Fraction is 21/100. If you divide 21 by one hundred you get 21 hundredths as a decimal which is 0.21. To get21 hundredths as a Percent, you multiply the decimal with 100 to get the answer of 20percent.
Firstly, we will draw figure
now, we will draw a altitude from B to DC that divides trapezium into rectangle and right triangle
because of opposite sides of rectangle ABMD are congruent
now, we can find BM by using Pythagoras theorem

now, we can plug values
we get

now, we can find area of trapezium

now, we can plug values
and we get

so, area of of the trapezoid is
f (x) = 2x-4g (x) =x^2
Step-by-step explanation: