Weather is the day-to-day changes in the atmospheric conditions of regions. Weather parameters are usually temperatures, humidity, rainfall, air pressure, and etcetera. These vary greatly every so often on a daily basis. Climate, on the other hand is categories into arctic, subarctic, subterranean, Mediterranean, temperature, equatorial, and etcetera.
When weather is studied for a long time, such as for over 30 years, general weather patterns can be discerned that will determine the climate of the region. These general weather patterns over a region will make up its climate. Climate does not change considerably. Therefore the climate of a region remains steady. If the climate of a region changes it does so ever so slightly over millennia and would change because of phenomena like earth’s tectonic plate movements, space phenomenons, and human activities.
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<u>mechanism:</u> the process of evoluton .
Evolution is the process by which veriety of modern organisms have descended from ancient ancestors. Evolution is responsible for both the remarkable similarities of all 0rganisms and the amazing diversity of that organisms but exactly how does it work? Fundamental of the process of evolution is genetic variation upon which selective forces can act in order for evolution to occur.
Examines the mechanisms of evolution focusing on:
•<u>Decent </u>: the genetic differences that are heritable and passed on to the next generation successfully.
• <u>mechanisms of change</u>: Mutation, migration (gene flow), genetic drift, and natural selection are act as mechanism of change .
• The random nature of genetic drift and their effects .
• How variation, differential reproduction, and heredity result in evolution natural selection
• How different species can affect each other's evolution through co-evolution.
All of these mechanisms can cause changes in the frequencies of genes produce change in in populations, and so all of them are mechanisms of evolutionary change. However, natural selection and genetic drift (genetic flow) cannot operate unless there is genetic variation among organisms.