This is not true
Although the Progressive Era was known as a period of social activism in the United States (1890s to 1920s), Progressivism (progress) as a means of social reform was (and is) needed all over the world because the human condition needs improvement, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
With social reforms in various sectors the American progressives tried to address the problems of the working classes.
The American progressives might be influenced by the ideas of Immanuel Kant (progress as a movement away from barbarism towards civilization) and John Stuart Mill, a liberal philosopher (people being progressive beings).
The first Europeans to arrive in North America -- at least the first for whom there is solid evidence -- were Norse, traveling west Greenland , where Erik the Red had founded a settlement around the year 985. In 1001 his son Leif is thought to have explored the northeast coast of what is now Canada and
The first people on the American continent were homo sapiens. The location and timing is unknown, but there has been archaeological evidence of human life near Norte Chico , Peru some 28 ka. It is known that the first people in the Americas came to the Pacific Coast, likely by canoe
The market revolution sparked explosive economic growth and new personal wealth, but it also created a growing lower class of property-less workers and a series of devastating depressions, called “panics.” Many Americans labored for low wages and became trapped in endless cycles of poverty.
a compass wouldn’t be much help in navigating from one point to another. While the moon does have a magnetic field (which is the force that makes a compass work), it’s much weaker than the magnetic field here on Earth.