to change the appearance or guise of so as to conceal identity or mislead, as by means of deceptive garb: The king was disguised as a peasant. to conceal or cover up the truth or actual character of by a counterfeit form or appearance; misrepresent: to disguise one's intentions.
The word variable relates to the idea of multiple causations in the sense that the characteristics of some event can make such events occur simultaneously.
Waht is multiple causation?</h3>
The concept of multiple causations argues that some events are unlikely to be caused by a single previous act, and are more likely to be the result of multiple causes.
Variables are properties or characteristics of some event, object, person, place, or thing that are measurable and can take on more than one value.
Hence the word variable relates to the idea of multiple causations in the sense that characteristics of some event can make such events occur simultaneously.
Learn more on multiple causation here:
public school children had to get up early everyday to ride buses while observers say this case has the potential to be a blockbuster.
Three main agricultural crops of various Native American groups in North America
National goals are more important than individual needs.
A fascist state is led by a strong leader, such as a dictator and a martial government made up of the members of the governing fascist party to forge national unity and maintain a stable and orderly society.