Remarkable that the English-speaking world remembers Magna Carta. The product of a struggle between King John and his barons, it was sealed on the bank of the Thames 800 years ago, on June 15, 1215. But in a sense, the most valuable thing about Magna Carta is precisely that it is remembered. Other charters were issued across medieval Europe, but they were rapidly forgotten.
If you mean the United States, the answer is non of the above.
If you mean the United States Citizens, the answer is A, B, and C.
The answer to this question is: Observation Method
The Greeks culture was considered really advanced during that time because they had a lot of curious scientist that keep questioning everything that happens around them.
The observation method is being done simply by watching a specific occurrence in our environment and start to build our analysis on what causes that specific occurrence
Today, we're sharing the first in a series of posts that will shed more light on how technology
✔ The Committee to Re-Elect the President
✔ the Democratic Party National Headquarters
✔ John Dean
✔ secret taping system
Complete the paragraph by using the drop-down menus.
✔ The Committee to Re-Elect the President hired burglars to break in to the Watergate complex, which was home to ✔ the Democratic Party National Headquarters
. A Nixon administration official named ✔ John Dean testified that the president knew about the break-in. Soon after, another official testified that a ✔ secret taping system was located in the Oval Office.