Robert Frost
I remember watching the inauguration on TV. The sun was so bright that Robert Frost had trouble seeing his copy of the poem, and ended up reciting the poem from memory.
- (Day before Yesterday)
- (Yesterday)
- (Today)
- (Tomorrow)
- (Day after tomorrow)
Day after Tomorrow = Sunday (given).
So, Tomorrow = Saturday
Today = Friday
Thus, Yesterday = Thursday.
Hence, Day before yesterday = Wednesday.
So the answer is Wednesday.
The major theme of Paradise Lost is DISOBEDIENCE TO GOD'S COMMANDS.
Paradise lost is an epic poem that talked about Adam and Eve and how they lost their God given paradise as a result of yielding to the devil's temptation. The devil decided to defile the man, who is newly created by God as a revenge on God for sending him and other fallen angels out of heaven and he went ahead and made Adam and Eve to sin against God.
D. He realized he was being punished by God for his disregard for his father's advice.
Not being a good listener can lead to misunderstanding, errors in your work, and ineffective decisions.