Ah depressed teenager thingy.
Trust is very important. If no one trusted each other, people would argue and wouldnt listen to anyone.
Two boys played with a ball.
An old lady walked with her cat.
A nurse brought a little girl baby to the park.
An old man sat down and read his book.
Michael studied hard all year.
Amelia chose to stay with her father.
Mary forgot to turn off the light.
I cancelled my meeting for tomorrow.
I went to school yesterday.
We played basketball last Sunday.
The question is incomplete and the full version can be found online.
- I did not study the material for that question
Practice predicting possible questions better.
- I confused terms or concepts that I actually know well
Give yourself time to read carefully and think before answering a question.
- I confused terms or concepts
Check and practice your active reading and listening skills.
- I forgot to go back to a question I had skipped over.
Slow down! Don't rush through the exam. Take the time to do things right the first time.
If a student claims that he did not study the material for a specific question, the appropriate corrective step would be to practice before the exam by trying to predict possible questions better. Usually, the material provided by the teacher can easily help find the possible questions.
If a student claims that he confused terms or concepts that he already knew well, the appropriate corrective step would be to take more time to read carefully and think before answering a question during the exam, to make sure that the concepts are correct.
If a student claims that he confused terms or concepts, the appropriate corrective step would be to check and practice his active reading and
listening skills while studying to make sure he gets a good understanding of the concepts.
If a student claims that he forgot to go back to a question he had skipped over, the appropriate corrective step would be to slow down during the exam to make sure everything is correct.
Honestly, I believe the way that people should communicate on the internet is through respect. To treat others the way we want to be treated. There are so many instances where I find people saying and writing cruel things to each other just because the other calmly said they did not like a certain song or book. What the heck? Sorry I can go on and on about this and I apologize if I didn't answer the question correctly.