"His mind was crowded with memories; memories of the knowledge that had come to them when they closed in on the struggling pig, knowledge that they had outwitted a living thing, imposed their will upon it, taken away its life like a long satisfying drink."
Answer: Symbolism takes something that is usually concrete and associates or affixes it to something else in order to give it a new and more significant meaning.
In "Symptoms" John Steinbeck analyzes the post war effects of the soldiers from World War II and in “Ambush Tim O’Brien show his remember of a soldier that die in Vietnam war, he alludes to My Khe a Vietnam Beach during his story, the answer is A. World War II and the Vietnam War
I agree with your answers for 13 and 14. I think that the answer to 15 is A because the passage mentions this day's black fate and the woe that others will face in the future. If I remember correctly in this scene Romeo is talking about what repercussions Mercutio's death will have on the future.
C. spatial
The most effective structure to use in this example is spatial structure. This structure describes how something is through geographical descriptions. These are very effective when we want to talk about a particular space. In this case, the caves need to be described in a way that helps workers locate where the problems of the cave are located. This can be achieved best through spatial structure.