Answer: Yes.
Explanation: I feel that the Byzantine Empire was a continuation of the Roman Empire because it both expounded on Roman beliefs, and continued Roman traditions. After all, it was just the Eastern part of the Empire, that had split apart from the Western part of Rome.
The New Freedom was Woodrow Wilson's campaign platform in the 1912 presidential election in which he called for limited government, and also refers to the progressive programs enacted by Wilson during his first term as president from 1913 to 1916 while the Democrats controlled Congress.
Colombian president Andrés Pastrana vowed to start a peace process with Farc, (Colombian Revolutionary armed forces), and in all his presidential period he mantained conversations with "farc" in order to keep the peace and avoid more killing in Colombia. Today he is opposit to the actual colombian president and his conversations with "farc" because he doesn´t agree with the conditions asked for the farc to continue the peace process today.
There were of course multiple reasons why did were unhappy with Persian rule. But one thing that surely bothered them greatly was the fact that they were drafted into the Persian army and had to fight fellow greeks, which is obviously not a thing they would have wanted to do.