The independence processes of the United States and Canada were very different from each other.
The United States obtained its independence from Great Britain after a war of independence that lasted from 1775 to 1783. That is, it was a violent and convulsive process, in which both nations faced each other to settle their directly opposed interests.
On the other hand, Canada walked its way towards independence in a peaceful way. In 1867 the Constitution Act was approved, which created the Dominion of Canada, with an autonomous government but subject to the laws of the British Parliament. Years later, in 1931, the Statute of Westminster was approved, establishing the legislative equality of the British and Canadian Parliament. Finally, in 1982, the Constitution of Canada eliminated dependence on the British Parliament.
He discovered that they had a highly advanced civilization with many current amenities such as a postal service. He later took these back to Europe and implemented them into their equality developed nations.
The answer is: Society, women, government
Wollstonecraft believed that the society has imposed a strong gender roles that put women's value beneath the Men's. Making it impossible for women to compete in the professional field and advance.
She also put some of the blame to women at that era, who simply sit idle and accept the mistreatment given to them, and to the government who did not intervene with the situation through legal methods.