A. Prayer
Asking for healing seems a lot like prayer to me. A dance isn't really a symbol so it's not B. It's not a myth because it is real so not C. And there is no sacrifice involved(I hope) so it's not D. So that leaves us with A.
1. The crew and supply the ship can carry and handle.
2. The period and duration of exploration. The main issue of every travel and exploration was the time it took the ship from its origin to the supposed destination. The new types of sailing ships was more improved applied with machinery as the centuries past and traveling went from years to months to days.
3. In times of war or conflict
The answer is gay rights and secularism
For instance the conservative pundit, and former presidential candidate, Pat Buchanan called the religion war for the soul of America in 1992, because he was worried that homossexuals and feminists would ruin the moral and character of the United States.