import numpy as np#importing numpy module with an alias np.
def c(bitstring_array):# defining function c.**np.arange(bitstring_array.size)[::-1])#bitstring conversion.
return num_integer#returning integer array.
print("Enter bits")
Bit_l=input().split(" ")#enter space separated bitstring.
for i in range(len(Bit_l)):#iterating over the bitstring.
print(c(bitstring_array))#function call.
Enter bits
1 1 1 0 0 1
Revising and editing because it makes the report look sharp and business like.
It seems that you have missed the given options for this statement, but anyway, here is the correct answer. An alternative to increasing the column widths and row heights is to SHRINK THE CHARACTERS IN THE CELL to fit the <span> current width of the column. Hope this answer helps. </span>
No, I believe it is "You should use proper grammar when asking a question".
3 is correct because if brings you to the lock screen and lets you restart the computer
1 is wrong because if you disconnect it there is a chance if won't connect and power it anymore.