You can tell if the candidate comes of well in the media particularly on television on the ways he or she speaks. The way a candidate directly and concisely answers the questions thrown at him or her. Also, you can tell if he or she really knows the topic by presenting it in an orderly manner.
My grandfather was in the Vietnam War with a special operations unit and always found that the people back in America hated him. It didn't matter to him because he was doing what he thought was right. He lost some of his best buddies in the war and was called such bad names that I could never type or say. The Vietnam War was the first time that the troops didn't have American support and to many it would have hurt them. It hurt that our morale was low and it probably helped other countries with their morale because America didn't like their military anymore.
Slaves were free in the great depression
The Arabs
The Byzantine Arab wars were some of the longest lasting in history. They mostly pitted Arab Muslims against Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire between the 7th and 11th centuries AD. The wars started during the initial Muslim conquests
1) Racism and discrimination against Indian people existed in both places