The greatest difference between modern and ancient life exists in the domain of health. According to one historical record, three hundred thousand new-borns use to die in the glorified Roman Empire. The life expectancy rate in the early society was 25 years, however people who managed to make it in the adulthood used to pass the age of 70. Secondly, pre-historic people used to have different kinds of herbs that helped them in dealing with different health issues. Today we have machines from which you can even regulate the pumping of the heart.
West Quoddy Head.
West Quoddy Head is the easternmost point, located 2,507 miles from the geographic center of the United States. The westernmost point is Cape Wrangell, Alaska, which is 3,625 miles west of center.
Mineral components such as vermiculite, clay, pumice, and perlite are also used to make growing media. However, the composition of a growing medium is greatly influenced by the particular plants being grown.
The opinion may varies on this question, here are my point of views.
The correct answer would be:
A) spread of innovations
B) cultural blending
C) damage to some cultures
Let's look into them one by one:
A) spread of innovations
- As the technological skills on different areas spread to different countries, people are able to learn and create based on the new knowledge hence enhancing innovations across the world.
(- However,some might held a different opinion as the innovations are concentrated in powerful nations but not the third world countriedls. But what I believe is that under the spread of information, third world countries have chances for innovations as well therefore supporting this claim.)
B) cultural blending
- Under globalization, it is easier for people to travel around the world, bring their own culture and influence to a foreign place, resulting in the blend of culture. For example, you can see many international brands across the globe even in Asia, while you can find China town and production of Asia in places like Europe and America.
C) damage to some cultures
- This is also true. As globalization prevails, some cultures are considered less important as the living mode of people has changed. Languages for example, inder the influence of international language such as English, some minorities dialect are disappearing or the use is decreasing rapidly.
D) increase in death rate
- This is very unlikely to happen. As globalization brings the technology around, the medical advancements are also able to be brought to different place. For instance, the use of xray, or even cancer treatment, are spreaded. This has undoubtedly helped expanding the life span of people.
Therefore the correct answer would be:
A) spread of innovations
B) cultural blending
C) damage to some cultures
Hope it helps!
The biosphere receives gases, heat, and sunlight (energy) from the atmosphere. It receives water from the hydrosphere and a living medium from the geosphere. Think of the many ways in which each sphere interacts with the other and discuss it with your class. ... Earth's Atmosphere, Centre for science Education.