1: appositive: a famous science fiction writer
Noun: ray bradbury
2: appositive: a short story
Noun: “the foghorn”
3: appositve: the narrator of the short story
Noun: Johnny
4: appositive: Johnny’s friend
Noun: mcdunn
5: appositive: a mournful moan
Noun: the foghorn sound
6: appositive: a hundred foot dinosaur
Noun: the monster
7: appositive: a lonely echo of the foghorn
Noun: the monsters cry
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No, grandparents is a common noun, therefore you don't capitalize it. It would be different if you had the names of the grandparents. Like if your grandma is named Martha. You would have to capitalize their name since it is a proper noun
B. Taking notes
Writing down the minutes of the meeting means that you are writing everything that happened at the meeting in order, possibly also including times.