Population is all animals of the same species living in a certain area; a community is different species living in a certain area.
Global warming is the worst for sure it’s killing more the just one person
They believe that god is the only Jehovah and the Jesus is Jehovah son witch actually has proof in the originally written bible. Jehovah witnesses are preaching to people to teach them about what going to happen in the future and if your curious whats going to happen in the future is 100% true and that is that Jehovah is going to make the world a better place but it just wont happen like that first the grand tribulation will come then Armageddon then will come paradise but Jehovah wont just let anyone in he will let the people who love him, have faith in him, people who study with Jehovah witnesses, and people who never got the chance to study with one.The gran tribulation is going to happen soon it says that we are in the last days until its here in the grand tribulation Jehovah will destroy all false religions and kill all people who disobeyed. for any questions about Jehovah witnesses message me i will love to help, i promise all this is true
E. an internal search
Internal search is the search in the person's own memory. It involves the recollection of a particular stance from the memory which can guided or triggered oftentimes by the personal experience.
Internal search is when the person search their own memory and see whether they recall a particular past experiences with the stance or anything.
<u>Julie recalling of her favorite mystery authors suggest that she is engaged in an internal search.</u>
Because the colonists had not control over what parliament did to them.