I speak spanish pretty well! (Hablo español bastante bien)
Elena has 5 classes. biologia is biology. Ingles is English or language arts. arte is arts. historia is history. matematicas is math. That makes 5
My pueblo is nice, has a healthy food , everybody is happy
La biodiversidad o diversidad biológica es, según el Convenio Internacional sobre la Diversidad Biológica
Cuando visito un lugar nuevo, nunca hago nuevas amistades.
In this sentence you have to write the opposite version. The sentence "Cuando visito un lugar nuevo, <em>siempre</em> hago nuevas amistades" has a positive adverb of frequency which is in bold type. To transform this positive sentence into a negative one you must change the positive adverb of frequency "siempre" and you have to use the negative version of this "nunca."