B) Analyzing historical sources.
El agua del océano está en constante movimiento: norte-sur, este-oeste, a lo largo de la costa y verticalmente. Los movimientos del agua de mar son el resultado de olas, mareas y corrientes. Los movimientos del océano son la consecuencia de muchos factores separados: viento, mareas, efecto Coriolis, diferencias de densidad del agua y la forma de las cuencas oceánicas.
The legislative branch in the government is the one that is responsible to create laws in all states.
Members of the legislative branch of the government were chosen directly by the citizens. They are the one that will analyze the issues that are currently faced by United States and form the legislations to deal with that issues. They often held a debate among themselves since not all of them will have the same opinion,
In order to pass a legislation , the legislative branch will conduct a vote among the members. The legislation can be passed if it obtain a simple majority during the voting process.
A Sultanate is a state headed by a Muslim ruler!