The cause of the increasingly tense relations between the mexican government and the american residents in texas after 1830 was mainly the increasing american immigration, that brought with it many cultural and social conflicts, since the Mexican natives became the minority in Texas, reaching only 7800 against the 30,000 English-speaking inhabitants, bringing as a consequence a conflict for the independence of Texas and then the annexation to the United States of America.
Taft used dollar diplomacy and Wilson used moral diplomacy.
Here is your answer hope it helps:)
Apartheid (“apartness” in the language of Afrikaans) was a system of legislation that upheld segregationist policies against non-white citizens of South Africa. After the National Party gained power in South Africa in 1948, its all-white government immediately began enforcing existing policies of racial segregation. Under apartheid, nonwhite South Africans (a majority of the population) would be forced to live in separate areas from whites and use separate public facilities. Contact between the two groups would be limited. Despite strong and consistent opposition to apartheid within and outside of South Africa, its laws remained in effect for the better part of 50 years. In 1991, the government of President F.W. de Klerk began to repeal most of the legislation that provided the basis for apartheid. President de Klerk and activist Nelson Mandela would later win the Nobel Peace Prize for their work creating a new constitution for South Africa.
John Sloan
His art is called Six O'Clock, Winter.
It was created in 1912