It’s a Color if sincerity
The meaning conveyed by the morpheme chron- in each of the words listed: chronology, chronicle. chronic and chronogram means, TIME. The word "chron-" comes from the Greek word "khronos" meaning time. Chronology means the arrangement of dates of events in order. Chronicle means a record of a series of events. Chronic means persistent and chronogram means time writing.
a, b, b, a
Just look at the last words and see if they rhyme. Day's rhyme with praise and Lights rhymes with right.
Theaters are commonly built in a circular shape. These public theaters are are usually furnished with several tiers of seat to maximize space and to<em> remove the problem of obstruction of the visual field of an audience at he back by an audience in front.</em>
The propaganda of telling the truth and keeping it a story and keeping it true