music is a way i can e and have time to myself to actually think and sometimember who i once was and just the other day i listened to this sand it felt like Dec again when my girlfriend mom was here long story hit me up on eboyylove if you want to hear my part of the story its been kinda cool but yeah music is mial
i couldn't write everything so eboyylove on Instagram
Images are focused by the lens onto the retina which is a face at the back of the eye upon which light sensitive cells (rods and cones) convert the incident light into electrical signals that are transmitted to the brain.
The fovea is a pit directly behind the lens on the retina that contains a concentration of light sensitive, closely packed cones (colour sensitive cells) and is responsible for sharp central vision.
Physics and chemistry
The laws of physics are universal and chemistry is just physics at a atomic and molecular level.
North Vietnam went to war with the republic of Vietnam via it’s proxy the Viet Cong, in the attempt to get south Vietnam under the control communist party.
I hope that helps.