Profession of Faith (shahada). The belief that "There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God" is central to Islam. ...
Prayer (salat). ...
Alms (zakat). ...
Fasting (sawm). ...
Pilgrimage (hajj).
The California Agricultural Labor Relations Act (CALRA) is a landmark statute in United States labor law that was enacted by the state of California in 1975, establishing the right to collective bargaining for farmworkers in that state, a first in U.S. history.
1975: California passes the state's landmark Agricultural Labor Relations Act, which establishes and protects the rights of all farmworkers to form unions and bargain for better wages and working conditions
Germany lost territory to Belgium, Czechoslovakia, and Poland, return Alsace and Lorraine to France.
The Versailles treaty forced Germany to give up their territory due to Germany losing World War 1 in 1919.
No, they may only own one Medal of Honour.