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Massive class inequality. Nobles and Clergymen were, in the French citizen's eyes, wasting money to fuel their lavish life style. They believed the 1% were living off the other 99% and they were right. France had a huge economic downfall after supporting the American Revolution so the citizens thought it unfair that the problem the government caused should be forced on them alone.
Answer: The history of every age proves that no people can attain a high degree of intelligence and morality unless its feeling of nationality is strongly developed. This noteworthy fact is an inevitable consequence of the laws that rule human nature. . . .Therefore, if we so ardently desire the emancipation of Italy--if we declare that in the face of this great question all the petty questions that divide us must be silenced--it is not only that we may see our country glorious and powerful but that above all we may elevate her in intelligence and moral development up to the plane of the most civilized nations. . . .This union we preach with such ardor is not so difficult to obtain as one might suppose if one judged only by exterior appearances or if one were preoccupied with our unhappy divisions. Nationalism has become general; it grows daily; and it has already grown strong enough to keep all parts of Italy united despite the differences that distinguish them.
1. They emphasized the universal ideals of the Enlightenment such as the equality of all men including equal justice under law by disinterested courts as opposed to particular justice handed down at the whim of a local noble.
2. In recent years policies affecting women's reproductive rights in the United States have substantially changed at both the federal and state levels. Between the publication of the 2004 Status Of Women in the States report and this report, states overall made nominal progress on two indicators and declined or stayed the same on five others.