Sự tiến hóa và bản chất của khoa học
Khoa học là một cách đặc biệt để biết về thế giới. Trong khoa học, những lời giải thích chỉ giới hạn ở những gì có thể suy ra từ dữ liệu có thể kiểm chứng - những quan sát đã dẫn đến những lời giải thích thuyết phục về cách các sinh vật tiến hóa
This seems to be an opinion based question, I will provide you with both a yes and no response with arguments to support it and you can choose which one best suites your beliefs:
Yes, the benefits of raising the minimum wage outweigh the drawbacks. By raising the minimum wage you increase the quality of life for workers. Many full time workers are unable to afford housing or groceries in this economy on the minimum wage. At $7.25/hour and 40hrs/week is $290 before taxes. This is not enough income to cover the basic costs of living in most places. If people earned more money they would have more money to spend and corporations would profit from an increase in sales. Also, workers wouldn't have to depend so much on government services such as food stamps and section 8 housing assistance because they would be able to support their families with their own income. This would free up funds for government to provide more for the school systems, better healthcare and/or infrastructure.
No, the benefits of an increased minimum wage would not outweigh the drawbacks. The drawbacks of a higher minimum wage are significant because they most directly effect small business owners. The "mom and pop shop" owners depend on paying low salaries in order to keep their doors open. If they were forced to increase their pay rates, by what many minimum wage supporters suggest: more than double, they would not be able to afford employees to keep their doors open. Also, government agencies would be forced to pay their low-level workers as much as $15/hr which could become a tax burden on the citizens who pay for the salaries of all government employees. Raising the minimum wage would be detrimental to the economy because small companies and the government could not afford to support the salaries and benefits of their workers.
A group of people with inherited physical characteristics that differentiate them from another group is considered a race.
Race is defined as "a group of people who share certain distinguishing physical characteristics." More broadly, ethnicities are "large groups of people classified according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background."
Race and ethnicity sociology frequently interacts with postcolonial theory and other areas of sociology such as stratification and social psychology. Ethnic relations are discussed in political policy terms in terms of either assimilationism or multiculturalism.
Another policy style that was popular in the 1960s and 1970s was anti-racism.
To know more about ethnicities here
<span>it is an ancient Indic language of India, in which the Hindu scriptures and classical Indian epic poems are written and from which many northern Indian languages are derived.</span>