Depending on the sentence, a pronoun should be placed before or after the verb. In a statement, it will be before, such as in "I can buy a necklace." In a question, it will be after, such as in "Can I buy a necklace?" (which is after the helping verb but before the acting verb)
This question is about the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost
1. The word "yellow" was used at the beginning of the poem to characterize the environment in which the speaker is located. In stating that the forest was yellow (instead of adopting adjectives that characterize the forest), the speaker shows how the environment, where two paths were placed for him to choose, was uniform and stable, pleasant.
2. Frost does not make this change any clearer, because he wishes that during the reading of the first three stanzas, the reader recognizes himself within the speaker that he needs to make a choice at the present time, now, making the poem more thought-provoking and exciting, than revealing that the choice has already happened. This happens, because before we know that the poem portrays a memory of the speaker, we have unpredictability as an influential point in reading.
3. Frost is not being honest with the reader, because he does not reveal whether his choice was pleasurable, or whether he took him to dark places that promote discomfort. With that, he is maintaining unpredictability and showing that we will never be sure if the result of our choices was positive.
The first response
The first response is the only claim that makes sense. To check, let's use the process of elimination.
Second: Calling the scientists' surveys unsophisticated is irrelevant and does not prove that the original claim is correct.
Third: This option does not address the points made by the counterclaim and instead pushes the original idea. It is important to remember that it is supposed to be a response, not a new statement.
Fourth: This response gives up on the original idea and ends the debate, with the counterclaim winning.