Try to keep your skin mosturized as much as you can, but in general you can't really prevent it because its just dead skin. it happens to everyone.
Era is used to mark the boundaries of geological time scale by using radio carbon dating technique.
Geological time starts with Precambrian time.
Geologically, time is divided between the Precambrian era and present time into era.
The three eras are Paleozoic era, Triassic period and Cenozoic era.
Era is further divided into periods.
Scientists use radio carbon dating to study fossils and rock formation. With this study they were able to divide them in exact geological scale.
Geologic scale is the record of events in earth's history and evolution.
Carotenoid, any of a group of non nitrogenous yellow, orange, or red pigments (bio chromes) that are almost universally distributed in living things. There are two major types: the hydrocarbon class, or carotene, and the oxygenated (alcoholic) class, or xanthophylls. Synthesized by bacteria, fungi, lower algae, and green plants, carotenoids are most conspicuous in the petals, pollen, and fruit (ex: carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and citrus fruits) of the flowering plants.
The answer is “Variation that decrease reproductive success are more likely to be passed on.”