You can write a response based on information you have researched online about Malaysia, such as the language spoken there or the typical foods.
<h3>How to write an email?</h3>
The following tips will help you write a response to Sarah about Malaysia and its heritage:
- Tell Sarah you are doing well and ask her how she has been doing.
- Explain that you will soon be leaving Malaysia, but that you had a lot of fun there.
- Tell her she can write about Malaysia's culture. List a few facts such as: The language spoken in Malaysia is called Malay, rice and coconut are typically used in dishes, and most people are Muslim in the country.
- Remind Sarah that she can write asking for more information about Malaysia in case she needs.
In conclusion, a simple email answering her questions about yourself and Malaysia can be provided as an answer.
Learn more about writing emails here:
Adding people on snap or insta they con talk through there
For question 1 they are just asking to describe how the person looks. For example if I were describe Elsa I would say: She has <u>bleach blonde hair</u> that is in a French braid. She <u>wears a elegant light blue dress</u> that flows each step she takes. They want you to also underline the details.
For question 2 they want you to describe the person using the five senses. For example: <u>Her skin is cold like winter but smooth</u>. Her hair is soft and is has waves like the ocean. They want you to underline one sense and bold the other.
For question 3 they want you to use a metaphor to describe the person and/or compare them to something. For example: She is like a storm in the winter, cold, <u>reckless</u>, and <u>never gives up</u>. They want you to also underline the comparison.
For question 4 they want you to write an alliteration for this person. For example: <u>S</u>he <u>s</u>ings, the <u>s</u>ound of her voice <u>s</u>preads, <u>s</u>o <u>s</u>oft, <u>s</u>o <u>s</u>weet, oh <u>s</u>o lovely. Also underline the letter that form the alliterative.
For question 5 they want you to write a three-sentence paragraph, so a paragraph with three sentences describing the person. You do have to make sure it has a little rhythm to it, like a poem. For example: Blonde hair, blue eyes, recklessness seems to live inside. Sweet voice spreads wild, confidence she wears like a dress. Cold skin but soft to the touch, her love is oh so much.
There you go! I really hope this helps! ;)))
the difference is influence means change and encourage means to try to get someone to do something
yes influenced to becoming encouraged is a good title