Bacteria were first observed by the Dutch microscopist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek in 1676
The 4 events that occur during amoeba are:-
- It sees the food particle.Then by pseudopodia (the finger like projections from amoeba) traps the food particle.
- The finger-like extensions of the cell surface fuse over the food particle forming a food vacuole.
- Inside the food vacuole, complex foods are broken down into simpler ones which then diffuse into the cytoplasm.
- The remaining undigested material is moved to the surface of the cell and thrown out. [Egestion].
A. They had different types of food. This resulted in many different breeds of finches.
A. offspring are genetically identical to their parents
3. It's because of the heat underneath the crust of the Earth. Because heat rises, the molten rock and such underneath the crust rises to the top and then the movement underneath causes things on top to move.
4. Plates are the different sections that the lithosphere has been cracked into. These plates once all fit together as a giant plate called Pangaea.
5. An earthquake is a sudden, sometimes violent shaking of the ground, as a result of the shifting of tectonic plates, or volcanic eruption.
6. On the magnitude scale, earthquakes range from 2.5 or less (usually never felt but strong enough to be detected by seismograph) to 8.0 or higher. Causes extreme damage; enough to destroy whole cities at once if close enough to the epicenter.
7. Depends on what kind you're looking for. I'd look it up for your specific topic.
8. To apply a forces to something, usually resulting in a stretch.
9. The action of compressing something, to flatten or squeeze by pressure
10. A strain on the layers of something because of pressure, resulting in the shifting of those layers.
11. In areas undergoing extension or stretching. It's when the crust is extended.
12. The hanging wall drops relative to the footwall.
13. This is what happens when the hanging wall <u>rises</u> relative to the footwall. (The opposite of a normal fault)