The development of devastating new weapons technologies
This is sorta the process of elimination use this answer at your own risk
The working together of political opponents during the aftermath of the War of 1812 was a sign of the Era of Good Feelings. The Era of Good Feelings was a time period in American history where there was a sentiment of national purpose and a desire for unity after the Americans came out victorious from the War of 1812 and finally felt fully in charge of their own country.
The intent of the jim crow laws is: To segregate and disenfranchise black Americans.
Answer: the structure and role of the judicial branch.
Article III of the Constitution establishes the role of the judicial branch of the federal government and how it is structured. This article grants the judicial power of the government to the Supreme Court and allows inferior courts that Congress may create from time to time. Article III explains the powers and what is considered as treason.