The first one, darker coloration to absorb more heat from the sun. <3
correct option is C.
governments may step in to resolve the market failure, the allocation of goods
and services by a modern mixed economy is not efficient.
they think that there assistance by putting legal maximum price that is price
ceiling, and legal minimum price that is price floor, will be helpful but
instead of this these prices just caused damage to individuals.</span>
Motivation is maximized when supervisors make rewards contingent on performance. Rewards or outcomes should be perceived by employees as equaling the inputs they give. Experience, abilities, and effort inputs should explain differences in pay, responsibility, and other outcomes.
Expectation theory proposes that people behave or behave in certain ways because they are motivated to choose certain actions over others because the expected outcome of the chosen action is expected. increase.
Expectation theory posits that people are motivated when they know that extra effort will be recognized and rewarded (Vroom, 1964). As a result, companies with performance-linked compensation can expect improvements. Performance-based payments can tie rewards to the amount of product an employee produces.
Learn more about expectancy theory here:
Siguranta pe internet este foarte importanta la fel ca oricare alta siguranță.
Siguranță pe internet reprezintă faptul ca noi,oamenii putem naviga pe internet fara a avea grija ca cineva ne va sparge ceva cont sau multe altele.
Siguranta pe internet reprezintă o mare si mare importanta pentru noi deoarece cu ajutorul ei putem naviga pe calculator fara grija,fara temeri.
Sper ca te ajuta cat de cat,daca nu îți pot face mai lunguț.Succes!!!!