Shakespeare shows the character's point of view by
B. figurative language
The Shakespearean language is some of the richest and the most figurative and thus it is most enduring out of many playwrights.
He deftly uses the themes and the motifs of the world around him to craft a language that is easily understandable and the characters seem motivated by things that audience can understand.
His rich figurative language takes its cues from the characters' emotional state and the environment they are in.
Clearance received his angel wings
B. Tension
Tension element is basically important in order to engage the audience. Shakespeare lets the audience witness lady Macbeth’s descent into mental distress and ultimate death before Macbeth. This will create tension aspect in audience such as concern, anxiety, excitement or tension. Tension is an element to convey the story of a play to the audience and keep the audience involved in a play. Tension also grows when the play reaches its climax. Such an event when the audience knows about the incident or event and the character doesn’t creates tension to the audience. However the variations are important throughout the play so that the audience can take it easy and get prepared for the next surprise of tension they will encounter.