Gerunds generally end in -ing, and the subject of the prepositional phrase "for meeting" is meeting, which means it is the object of a preposition.
Hope this helps!
Fabrication is the preparation of fowl/poultry, so other meats don't apply. Mollusks are filter feeders, so they contain a high level of contaminants that could potentially be dangerous to the consumer, meaning depuration is necessary to ensure quality and safety.
Pretentious is synonymous to C. SHOWY.
You are pretentious when you attempt to impress people by affecting greater importance or talent than is actually possessed.
Other synonyms of pretentious aside from showy are:
ostentatious, overambitious, pompous, grandiose, extravagant, flamboyant, overblown, magniloquent, and many more.
absurd is synonymous to foolish or unreasonable
argumentative is synonymous to quarrelsome, contrary
annoyed is synonymous to irritated, irk
The Titans
According to Greek mythology, the Titans were the immortal beings that existed before the gods. The gods we're more familiar with, such as Zeus, Hades and Poseidon, were created from Rhea and Cronus who were both Titans.