Remove the period after play and remove the comma after Monopoly.
Jennifer Aniston taught me how to play Monopoly however, I've beaten her three times in a row.
The contradictions that can be found in Douglass's mistress are related to her behavior towards slaves.
We can arrive at this answer because:
- Mrs. Auld was one of Douglass' mistresses.
- She was a very kind and benevolent to slaves.
- This behavior was very favorable and admired by Douglass.
- However, she began to show contradictory behavior towards slaves.
- She started to become an angry and violent person with the slaves, which completely contradicted her behavior in the past.
Douglass explains this shift as a normal part of the devastating nature of slavery. According to him, slavery caused the suffering of blacks, while corrupting the humanity of whites.
This question is about the book "My Bondage and My Freedom."
More information about Douglass at:
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What could be a worse fate for a modern American female poet than to be lumped into a nebulous, chauvinistic and ever slightly misogynistic pool of cess stereotyped as a “domestic poet.” Anyone unfamiliar with the term coming across it from the first time in reference to a female poet might well believe that domestic poetry is sweetly rhyming verse taking as its subject situations like getting the kids into the van for soccer practice, making cookies for the PTA meeting and, of course, a litany of hatred expressed toward husbands who are never there to help with domestic issues.
Never mind that Robert Frost and Walt Whitman and Wallace Stevens have all at one time or another found a niche within the broadly defined movement or genre of domestic poetry. Which, for the same of brevity, shall be termed poetry dealing with the commonplace of everyday as opposed to epic tales, transcendental unity of man with nature, mysticism, avant-garde experimentation with form over content and various other assorted and sundry types of poems with which the average person cannot relate. Linda Pastan, in other words, writes poems in which she consistently returns to touch upon universal themes dealing with family and relationships and the difficulties of normal existence and the emotional distress of just getting up and living live as it comes.
The tension that always exists between members of a family regardless of the definition or connotation applied to the term “family” has been a great source of inspiration to Pastan from her earliest verse and throughout her development and maturation. By contrast, an equally concentrated examination of the tensions introduced by religious and spiritual expectations has tended to dissipate throughout that process of growing older and becoming more domesticated. In its place Pastan has created a body of work that is far more elegiac and meditative and, it must finally be admitted, less domestic. With the introduction of a more melancholic and reflective poetry that moves into a greater sense of isolation and a solitary contemplation of tactile nature rather than abstract spiritualism, Pastan succeeds in tossing off whatever chains may have been tied around her verse as a result of the unfortunate constriction of trying to pigeonhole her as merely a domestic poet.
Right Pane.
We are back to Ivan. We found out how he felt about getting married. He was not thrilled, he was not head over heals. He was ... accepting. He was cold blooded like a reptile. He weighed carefully what he thought were her virtues.
- She was passable good looking.
- She had property, and he hoped income.
- She was acceptable to the society he lived in.
- What's not to like? So he married.
The third one is not a big consideration, but it is a consideration. The fact that she was proper added to what he thought of her.
So what to pick?
The last three are not mentioned. So they are not a consideration. He doesn't say, for example, that he yearns for company.
Is there a comment in there about the middle class? Not even inferred. So B is incorrect.
Though it is a minor consideration, A has to be your answer.
Center Pane
Terror, aborrance, decay, suggestive shadows. All these things are present. But he is also thrilled by them. Complex man. He appeals to us for the same reason some people go to horror movies just to be scared out of their minds.
I'd pick B but you could defend at least 3 of them.
Left Pane
I'd pick the first and the last.
You haven't got time to do much else. Certainly the 3rd one is out of the question. I don't think you should be doing the fourth one. Let your essay do that for you. And the second one is almost irrelevant at this point.
First and last.