private static String removeFromString(String old, String frag)
int i = old.indexOf(frag);
while (i> -1) {
String rest = old.substring(i + frag.length());
System.out.println("rest = " + rest);
old = old.substring(0, i);
System.out.println("rest = " + old);
old = old + rest;
System.out.println("rest = " + old);
i = old.indexOf(frag);
System.out.println("i = "+ i);
return old;
Here the index of first occurrence is obtained outside the “while loop” and if this loop runs until index value is >-1. It extracts the rest of the characters other than “frag” from the index and all the characters for which the given set of characters are removed.
La programación procedimental o programación por procedimientos es un paradigma de la programación. Muchas veces es aplicable tanto en lenguajes de programación de bajo nivel como en lenguajes de alto nivel.
espero y te sirva
the 256 color icon would be greater in file size.
regardless of how many pixels are in the image, file A has 256 colors meaning the computer has to individually load each one of those colors. it'll probably use a lot of ink if you decide to print it, too.
I’m pretty sure it’s miner
“I’ll give you head I mean brainiest”
file, properties, options, general