Decompression sickness manifests ITSELF with joint pain and it can be fatal.
'Itself is a word that is usually used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to to an inanimate thing or an animal which has been mentioned previously as the subject of the sentence.
King sets Maverick's store on fire; ultimately, Starr and the others manage to escape, and King is arrested.
:) hello there how are you
In Amy Tan's "Rules of the Game," the mood is preeminently one of tension. This tension is caused not by suspense or secrecy but by the conflict (generally unspoken) between Waverly and her mother.
The distinction between the traditional form of slavery practiced in Africa and plantation slavery practiced in the Americas was the way slaves were treated in these two dimensions.
"West African Society at the Point of European Contact" is an article from the collection of the US history website. In the article, the writer shares about the West African lifestyle and the prosperity enjoyed by people before the arrival of the Europeans.
The writer shares differences between the traditional form of slavery practiced in West Africa and the plantation slavery practiced in America. He states that the slavery practice in Africa had a long history. People who were captured after the end of the war were taken as slaves but they were treated as humans, eventually becoming a part of the family. <u><em>The children of slaves were not considered property to be sold or bought. Many times some slaves gained high honors in the communities</em></u><em>. </em>
Conversely, <u><em>plantation slavery was based on race</em></u>. Slaves in the plantation slavery were treated inhumanly, inferior, and considered property rather than humans.