It usually appears as an individual section called Reference.
It locates at the end of the essay, and they are labeled correspondingly with notice in the previous sections as well.
1. My backpack weighs a ton. ------- hyperbole
2. The daisies danced in the rain ------- personification
3. Your eyes are like stars ------- simile
4. She is a monster ------- metaphor
1. <u>Hyperbole</u><u>:</u> Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
2. <u>Personi</u><u>fication</u><u>:</u> The attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something non-human, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.
3. <u>Simile</u><u>:</u> A figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid (e.g. as brave as a lion).
4. <u>Meta</u><u>phor</u><u>:</u> A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn't literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison. ... A metaphor states that one thing is another thing. It equates those two things not because they actually are the same, but for the sake of comparison or symbolism.
Answer: <u><em>Have a good day! </em></u><em> :))))</em>
Poem: Unique Features: The phrase “the voice that beautifies the land” is repeated throughout the poem.
Video: Unique Features: Sounds with thunder as well as grasshoppers.
Poem: Personal Reactions: This repetition, in my opinion, gives the poem a mystical and awe-inspiring quality.
Video: Personal Reactions: The sound effects enhance the poem's real essence by making readers feel as if they are themselves, seeing all of nature's wonders.