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Neuschwanstein Castle, Moscow Region
It seems like the architects of the structure drew their inspiration from many sources, although the famous German castle is clearly the main one. It functions as a private kindergarten and was opened in the Lenin Sovkhoz near Moscow in 2013.
B because there are 22 main land regions the 5 over seas
It wouldn't let me submit the text so I took a screenshot
Souvent le lundi je vais au gymnase m’entraîner avec mes amis. Et le mardi nous aimons bien jouer au football après la sortie des classes. Mais, je vais rarement au cinéma, car je trouve cela ennuyant. Je n’aime pas le camping parce que le matin j’ai mal au dos.
nous commençons les problémes de maths
Nous is the premier personne du pluriel (first person plural) so in the present tense we add 'ons' to the root of the verb