Ideology is an important factor in determining how people make decisions. In order to make good decisions, you have to have an open mind to all of the potential solutions for the issue under consideration.
Based on a composite of about ten different definitions that I could find, ideology can best be described in one sentence as a set of opinions, beliefs, theories, or principles (usually political or religious in nature) held by an individual, group, or society that explains and lends legitimacy to their actions in their own minds.
However, ideology is much more complicated than this. And ideology has nothing to do with intelligence. It is more like a set of glasses through which we view the world. And being nonideological is somewhat different than being pragmatic, which means dealing with issues practically or realistically, although some amount of pragmatism certainly goes into making good decisions.
i do not normally hear the fireworks all the time before that day 4th, but with each passing day, i start to hear them via a process usually called reverse habituation or i still do not hear the firework all before on the 4th due to the fact that i became habituated to fireworks over new year celebration
Habituation can simply be defined a a process of psychological learning. it involves a process whereby there is a decline/decrease in response to a stimulus after being exposed to it constantly. this habituation believes holds that human/animals may learn to ignore a stimulus due to consistent exposure to it.
The biggest obstacle was the presence of Native Americans who lived on the lands that people in the United States considered manifestly theirs.