Joanne Frattaroli was a researcher in the department of psychology, university of california. In her article titled, experimental disclosure and its moderators she talked about how disclosure of personal information enhance well-being.
According to Frattaroli (2006), our wellbeing increases when we disclose personal information to friends and loved ones.
Social media is a collective term for online platforms where users provide content without or with minimal intervention from a professional editorial team, but by the pure and simple action of each user, who manages their profile according to their consideration. The main characteristics are the interaction and dialogue between users, who exchange data, files, knowledge and experiences through these means.
Thus, since the main factor of these media is social interaction, a situation may arise with positive or negative implications, depending on how said social interaction affects the user. Regarding the positive aspects, social media serve to reduce the gap of distance and time between users, allowing a more fluid communication in less time. In addition, it serves to, in cases, increase self-esteem and positive perception of oneself, through the approval that other users make of the posted content.
The total energy of all organisms is an ecosystem remains the same over time.
Because the total energy never increases or decreases, this shows that there is no energy in the ecosystem being created or destroyed
This is false. Where these methods can help you feel better and less drunk, it takes 24 hours for alcohol to completely dissapear form your blood stream. Eating before drinking can also help to feel less drunk but it does not prevent the effects of alcohol once it is in your bloodstream.
Depende de lo bueno que seas.