Bonjour !
Conjugaison du verbe "porter" au présent :
<em>je porte</em>
<em>tu portes</em>
<em>il, elle, on porte</em>
<em>nous portons</em>
<em>vous portez</em>
<em>ils, elles portent</em>
Is the following correct?
1. quatre-vingt-cinq
neuf heures et demie
Translate the following sentences into French.
1 J'ai fait du ski pendant une semaine.
20. Mme Juneau parlait très poliment.
I'm not sure because I've never read the poem before, but just some tips:
1. think about why the author wrote this poem
2. What do you think about it
3. Read it over and over until you can understand what the author is saying perfectly
4. Ask an adult to help you understand the poem if you're having trouble
what's that
i dont whats that im sorry