Answer: When i was kid, no one didn't care about me and they didn't ask me what i like and what i love. it made me sad.
Ambiguous facts.
A reader may always interpret; facts, symbols, etc... according to her/his own perspective. However, when you add ambiguousness to the fact, as the noun says, you create and cause confusion, as the fact is considered unclear. So if facts are always open to one's interpretation, an ambiguous fact is definitely super open to interpretation!
Learn Improv approaches characters in Three Parts: Move, Sound and Want. Improv comedy characters are created by the player in an instant
I would write about something that you are passionate about.
You could make a picture of a child doing chores that adults would do like, going on the roof of their house and pulling leaves out of the gutters, or being forced to fix a car. Pretty much a child being forced to do chores that can threaten their life. You can glue whatever you draw inside the cardboard box and make a shadow box. Hope this helps! ^_^