B. The scandal contributes to the characterization of Stalin as anti-Semitic and a continued supporter of the former Nazi Germany.
"The Doctors' Plot" shows how Stalin intended to execute the arrest of 15 Jewish doctors. These doctors were big names in medicine at the time and everyone was involved in the treatment of the diseases that Stalin had. However, Stalin showed no improvement and began to accuse the doctors of poisoning, even without any proof that this was really happening. This shows how Stalin maintained an anti-Semitic sentiment and supported the concepts raised by former Soviet Germany in relation to Jews.
You could write about who would be the best leader for our country based on the debates. If you think Hillary would have made a great president, explain why based on the debates. or if you think trump will make a great leader than do the same thing
as far as your thesis it should look like this. Based on the presidential debates ____ would make a better leader for our country because __ ____ and ____
Answer: B. Locking women away behind walls, screens, or curtains robs them of their dignity.
The author of this poem, Sarojini Naidu (1879 - 1946), came from a culture where women were to receive a different treatment from men. Women's freedom was taken away with the excuse of protecting them from "eyes impure". If their bodies and faces, their beauty and youth cannot be seen, then they will not be coveted. However, such a way of "protecting" has its own way of harming those involved. It does not "shield a woman's eyes from tears". It does not protect their feelings, does not take their wishes into consideration. It only limits their lives, their abilities, their happiness.
Human rights reports are a key instrument for gathering and analyzing data, presenting findings from monitoring and fact-finding operations, expressing concern about a human rights issue, engaging in discourse and advocating with authorities, and making suggestions for action.
Given Above…
Statement 1 is the second choice, statement 2 is the first choice and statement 3 is the last choice
im not 100% sure im right, but hope this helps